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Junior Solo Member - 2023

Solo Junior Member (Under 23)

As part of the Club's desire to encourage local youngsters who demonstrate talent in golf or tennis to develop their skills, a limited number of Solo Junior Memberships are made available to children of parents who are not members of the Club. Consideration for this type of membership shall be given first to children of Washington residents. The Golf and Tennis sections have special fee structures and rules governing the participation of Solo Junior Members in their activities. Solo Junior Members must be single.

The Golf Section requires that Solo Junior members shall have reached their twelfth (12th) birthday prior to or on March 1st, and shall not have reached their twenty-third (23rd) birthday prior to or on March 1st of the years in question. The Tennis Section does not have a minimum age requirement for this type of membership, but does require that Solo Junior Members shall not have reached their twenty-third (23rd) birthday prior to or on March 1st of the years in question.

  • Cost for Junior Solo Golf Membership (per child) - $550 for current season
  • Cost for Junior Solo Tennis Membership (per child) - $330 for current season

Junior Member (Under 23)

This type of membership is available to children who are a part of a Family Membership in a situation where the family does not belong to a particular Section that the child wishes to be active in. Each Section has a special fee structure and rules in its activities governing the participation of Junior Members.

The Golf Section requires that Junior Members shall have reached their twelfth (12th) birthday prior to or on March 1st but shall not have reached their twenty-third (23rd) birthday prior to March 1st of the year in question. The Tennis Section does not have a minimum age requirement for this type of membership but does require that Junior Members shall not have reached their twenty-third (23rd) birthday prior to or on March 1st of the year in question

  • Cost for Junior Golf Membership - $550 for current season
  • Cost for Junior Tennis Membership - $330 for current season

Solo Junior Member or Junior Member application